

Masland Carpet Installed in Pittsburgh Living & Dining Room

This customer had selected Masland carpet to be installed in her living and dining room. We had a day planned and the Twin Flooring crew arrived on time to start the installation. We worked continuously until it was installed. When we were done, the homeowner said the carpet looked amazing. She said it looked muchContinue Reading

SmartStrand Carpet Installed Over Hardwood Floors in Pittsburgh

In Pittsburgh, our customer was wanting to have carpet installed over her hardwood floors. She wanted the warmth, along with the appearance that carpeting can provide. The customer knew exactly what she was looking for, which was the SmartStrand brand, with texture. It’s a good thing the customer called us when she did, because winterContinue Reading

Plush Stainmaster Carpet Installation for Pittsburgh Home

Twin Flooring was scheduled to give service to a customer in Pittsburgh. The customer was wanting to replace his current carpet with a plush carpet. We went over the many options with the customer, and he decided to go with the Stain Master brand. The Twin Flooring carpet installers arrived promptly to install the newContinue Reading

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