
What Questions Should I Ask A Flooring Contractor?

Before committing to a flooring contractor, a homeowner should ask questions

Flooring is an important factor to a home and homeowners will want to have the best flooring contractor available to install their flooring. The important questions that should be asked include:

  1. Is the flooring contractor licensed? : A licensed flooring contractor will be qualified and experienced in their field. They have the knowledge about all flooring and can offer suggestions to help you with all your flooring needs and concerns.
  2. Do you have proper insurance? : Asking the flooring contractor if they have proper insurance will financially protect you from any accidents in your home. The types of insurance the flooring contractor should have is liability insurance, auto insurance, and workers compensation insurance, which will protect you completely.
  3. What experience does the contractor have? : Knowing the type of experience that the flooring contractor has will give you an idea on how long the contractor has been doing flooring.
  4. Does the contractor have references? : The contractor should be able to provide you with references. The references will be past customers that the contractor has done flooring for. If the contractor gives you references, then you should call the references and see what the past customers have to say about the performance of the contractor.
  5. Is there a warranty? : A good flooring contractor should be able to provide a warranty on the flooring that is being installed. Most flooring contractors work with many different flooring manufacturers who provide warranties on their flooring, and the contractor can pass these warranties down to you.
  6. Does the contractor install carpeting and hardwood flooring? : It is great if the flooring contractor provides installation of both carpeting and hardwood flooring. This is wonderful if you are looking to have both flooring installed in your home. You can get the work done by one contractor!
  7. How quickly can the flooring be installed? : Many contractors can schedule the installation of your flooring and have it completed quite quickly.
  8. Will the installers move the furniture? : Some flooring contractors will only install flooring. This means they will not move any furniture out of the rooms. This is important to know. You do not want the installer to show up to your home and your room is full of furniture and no way to move it out.

Knowing the questions to ask a flooring contractor will help you hire a good flooring contractor. Never be afraid to ask questions; a reputable flooring contractor will welcome all your questions!
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