
Do Flooring Products Have Warranties?

Most flooring products will come with a warranty, but what does this warranty cover?

Flooring products offer a warranty that can vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. The warranty is very specific when it comes to your flooring installation, along with the maintenance involved with the flooring. The flooring contractor should go over the warranty in depth so you are familiar with which specific flooring products and services the warranty covers.

Many manufacturers will offer a 25 year warranty on their flooring services. This warranty generally does not cover any damage to the flooring that has occurred from furniture, shoes, pets, and even the humidity that comes from weather. The restrictions are quite detailed in what will void the warranty of the flooring product. The warranty will be voided if the homeowner uses some cleaning products on the flooring and the cleaning product damages the flooring, or if an additional finish is applied to the factory flooring. The installation has to be done properly for the warranty to be covered if the flooring would warp or buckle. If the flooring somehow falters under these conditions, then the contractor will be responsible for the flooring and not the manufacturer.

The best advice for homeowners on flooring product warranties is to read each and every line in detail before the flooring product is installed. If a problem arises, you should immediately call and file a claim. Keeping notes during this process will ensure that you are following the warranty. Keep all the receipts, billing, and detailed information on the flooring product in a safe place in case a problem arises where you may need the information to file a claim. Call the contractor that installed the flooring product too, as they may be able to assist you in filing a claim and handling the claim process for you.

Maintenance to the flooring product will keep the product in good working order. Use the cleaning products that the manufacturer recommends for all cleaning of the flooring product. Protect the floor by adding protectors to heavy furniture, sweeping floors daily, and wiping up any spills immediately. If you take care of your floors correctly and there happens to be a problem, then you have done everything in your power to keep the warranty protected.

For more information on the flooring leader in Pittsburgh, click here!

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